Feeling Stuck? Here's Your Roadmap to thrive


Feeling stuck in life is more common than you think, and it's okay. Whether it's your career, relationships, or just life in general, we all hit those plateaus. But guess what? You have the power to break free and thrive. Let's do things a bit differently, though. Instead of diving deep into the why, we'll focus on the how. Grab a pen and paper and commit to the journey outlined below.


get into your body

Nervous system dysregulation plays a big role in you feeling stuck. When you don't know how to navigate stressful situations, your body freezes as a biological response to keep you safe and alive. In order to shift out of this, you must give your nervous system information that where you are is safe.

There are many ways to do this, but here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Practice box breathing

  • Go for a walk outside and use all 5 senses to ground you

  • Treat yourself to a massage

  • Put away technological stressors, like your phone or TV

  • Lay in bed under a weighted blanket

  • Listen to a relaxing meditation

  • Diffuse an essential oil

cultivate awareness

Now that you're in a grounded state, bring your awareness to your mindset. What are the unhelpful stories, narratives, and beliefs that are making you feel stuck? What limiting thought patterns or cognitive distortions are getting in your way of taking action? What are you worried about? What is creating anxiety for you?

Simply bring your awareness to these thoughts and beliefs and try not to judge yourself for having them. You are doing the best you can with what you know and have right now.


Our thoughts drive our emotions. So, feeling stuck is based on your current mindset, which you've already explored above. Learning how to change your thoughts and shift your perspective can seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be.

Here is the truth: You are not your thoughts. Your thoughts do not have to control you. With conscious effort, you can change your inner dialogue and shift your perspective. Here are some questions for you to reflect on.

  • How would my next-level self approach getting unstuck?

  • What is another way to look at this situation?

  • How can I approach this differently?

  • What would I tell my best friend/partner if they were in my shoes?


There are plenty of ways to develop a vision for what you desire in life. A great place to start is by uncovering your core values…the things that are most important to you. You may also decide to create a vision board, a visual representation of what you want in your life, or write a personal manifesto.

Another way to create a vision for yourself is by doing a
“Future Self” visualization exercise to establish your personal and professional goals. All of these are great ways to step into a new vision for yourself moving forward.


Feeling like you are on a hamster wheel, going no where signals a need for surrender. Surrendering doesn’t mean that you are giving up or even tolerating what is happening. Surrendering means you are accepting your current reality and making peace with it.

A mantra I absolutely love to remind myself to surrender is, “I am welcoming in what is for the highest good of the world.”


As a Certified Professional Coach, I have partnered with thousands of ambitious women like you through a variety of containers to make transformational change. If you would like to explore ways we could work together 1:1 or in an upcoming group coaching program, I'd love to invite you to book a Consultation Call.


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