Focus on what you can control

In times of uncertainty, it's crucial to focus on what we can control versus what we can’t. This blog post highlights areas within our power to shift out of overwhelm and fear and into a more grounded and empowered state. From managing our free time and prioritizing self-care to controlling media consumption and fostering a positive mindset, there are actionable steps we can take to bring peace and joy into our lives. By embracing these areas of control, we can navigate the unpredictability of the world with resilience and confidence.


It's undeniable; the world has felt intense and unpredictable lately. As we navigate a world filled with uncertainties, it's essential for us to shift our focus on what we can control and empower ourselves to create the positive changes we desire in our lives, regardless of the chaos around us. 

Because the truth is, we've never been able to control everything, but we can shift our focus to things that we can control and let go of the rest to bring more peace and joy into our lives.

Below I'm sharing a few areas that are within your power to help you shift out of overwhelm and fear and into a more grounded and empowered state:


While you may not always control how much free time you have in your day, you have the power to decide how to spend it. Use your time for things that truly matter to you and eliminate the things that are draining your precious time and energy. If you need help with this process, start by gaining clarity over your core values by downloading my guide to Core Values here.


Remember to prioritize your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Your self-care is a significant factor in your overall quality of life. Here is a blog post with some self-care ideas to get you started.

your media consumption:

You can't control world events, but you can manage how much news and media you expose yourself to. Be mindful of how information impacts you and take breaks from the news when you need to. Seek a balance by including uplifting stories or funny social media posts to maintain your perspective.

your emotional response:

Your immediate reactions to negative emotions are completely natural, but they often lead to impulsive decisions and behaviors. Instead of reacting, learn to respond with intention and awareness.

your mindset/self-talk:

Circumstances may be uncontrollable, but your mindset and attitude are 100% up to you. Embrace a growth mindset, believing in your unlimited potential through effort and hard work. Here is more information on how you can shift your mindset by taking control over your self-talk.

your routines/habits:

Your day-to-day choices form your life. Be in charge of your routine and habits, ensuring that they reflect your core values and priorities. If you want an organized and structured way to do this, download my Daily Intention Planner here.

your support system:

Recognize when you need support and don't hesitate to ask for it. A strong support system will help you overcome challenges and achieve your goals faster. Feel free to reach out to me here to discuss ways we can work together this year or next.

Remember, love: you can't control everything, but by focusing on what's within your power, you can create positive changes in your life, regardless of the world's unpredictability.


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what you focus on grows


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