Unapologetically Protecting Your Time and Energy


Life can get overwhelming, and it's okay to hit pause and focus on yourself. Taking time to protect your energy and set boundaries isn't selfish – it's self-care! These practices can lead to a happier you, more success in your career, and healthier relationships.


Lately, I've been unapologetically guarding my time and energy by doing the following:


For the longest time, I was a chronic people-pleaser, always worrying about meeting everyone's expectations. It's an exhausting way to live. But now, every day, I remind myself that it's not my responsibility to make others feel a certain way. What I can do, though, is show up authentically for myself and create space for others to do the same. We're each responsible for our own feelings and well-being, after all.

Meditating daily

Meditation has been a game-changer for my overall well-being, especially during those days when I need a significant energy shift. I've incorporated daily visualization meditations into my routine, and it's been nothing short of transformational. It's become something I genuinely look forward to – a time when I can immerse myself in envisioning my next-level self and my future life. It's become my daily motivation, encouraging me to show up for myself, day in and day out.

Moving my body

Movement has had a special place in my heart, but health challenges in recent years made it a bit tricky. However, I've realized that even the smallest amount of movement can make a huge difference in setting a positive tone for the day. Whether it's taking a walk with my dogs Chubbs and Charlie, chatting with my bestie during a stroll, or just enjoying a solo walk in nature, I make sure to take those deep breaths and soak in the fresh air. I've never regretted a moment spent outdoors, and I promise, you won't either!

Getting into bed early

I used to be a night owl, embracing the late-night lifestyle. But over this past year, I've come to understand that it doesn't serve me well. Now, if I can slip into bed by 8:30-9 pm, it feels like I've won the jackpot! Going to bed early has become a way to protect my energy, allowing me to wind down after a busy day.

Creating digital boundaries

We live in a world of constant connectivity, and while it's fantastic, it can also be overwhelming. I've learned the importance of setting digital boundaries to reclaim my time and focus. By configuring my phone's "Do Not Disturb" mode from 9 pm to 8 am every day, I've stopped receiving app notifications during my much-needed quiet time. Additionally, I've begun blocking off specific slots in my calendar for "me" time, ensuring that I'm not available for calls or meetings all day, every day.

Reducing alcohol consumption

I've become more conscious of what I consume, and I've realized that alcohol doesn't align with my health and wellness goals. It disrupts my sleep, heightens my anxiety, and doesn't contribute positively to my overall well-being. While I may occasionally enjoy a glass of wine, I've leaned more towards alternative relaxation and socializing methods, and it feels fantastic!

how you can unapologetically protect your time and energY moving forward


Research has found that taking breaks can improve your mood, boost your performance and increase your ability to concentrate and pay attention. Try this: When your body craves rest…give it actual rest. Put your phone on silent, eliminate distractions, crawl into bed to get a great night sleep or enjoy a mid-day nap.


One of the best things you can do for yourself is to reset your nervous system when you find yourself feeling ungrounded. Try this: Take a deep breath, cross your arms over your chest, alternate tapping your hands on your arms, and then repeat some version of this mantra to yourself, “I am safe and secure. There is no danger. I am here. I am well.”


Research shows that 90% of our body's serotonin, which is one of our feel good chemicals, is produced in our gut. Try this: focus on incorporating more nutritious foods into your diet, like nutrient-dense vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, etc.


A change of scenery can make a world of a difference in our energies. Try this: Notice where you spend the majority of your time. Is it in an area that gets a lot of sunlight? Is it energizing and uplifting? If not, change it up! If you find yourself not being able to focus in certain environments (like trying to work from your couch), set up shop in another part of your home.


Journaling is like having a mini therapy session with yourself. Try this: When you're feeling low or lacking energy, take a few minutes to journal. You could write how you are feeling, what you are grateful for, or allow yourself the space to write down what's on your mind.


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