The Science Behind Vision Boards


Discover the science-backed effectiveness of vision boards in manifesting your goals. From enhancing goal visualization to activating your Reticular Activating System (RAS) and harnessing the power of positive psychology, we’re exploring how vision boards can shape your next-level life. Learn how these visualization tools influence your brain, emotions, and decisions. Plus, get a sneak peek into three upcoming Vision Boarding Workshops that promise to kickstart your manifestation journey.


You might have heard about vision boards as a fun craft project, but did you know there's science-backed evidence supporting their effectiveness in manifesting your goals?

It’s true - it's not just about gluing pretty pictures; vision boards - whether handmade or digital - are a powerful manifestation tool for creating the life you desire. Here are some interesting science-backed facts I wanted to share with you:

First, What is a vision board?

A vision board is a manifestation tool that represents your goals and dreams through a collage of images, words, and symbols. It serves as a tangible and personalized reminder of the life you desire to call in. Whether handmade or digital, the key is to create it from a soul-aligned space, representing your unique vision for your life.


Vision boards activate your Reticular Activating System (RAS), a neural network that filters information. Research shows that by looking at your goals in visual form regularly, you unconsciously invite the energy of those desires into your awareness and begin to notice opportunities and possibilities aligned with your vision. Visualizing the accomplishment of a goal even prompts the brain to perceive it as a reality, helping to create the behaviors necessary for achievement.

When you vividly imagine achieving your goals, like picturing yourself as a published author, your brain can't tell the difference between imagination and reality. This blurring of lines tricks your brain into thinking that your dreams are closer to coming true. It's like a mental rehearsal that makes it easier for you to take the actions needed to turn your dreams into reality. So, the more you visualize your goals being actualized, the more your brain believes it, and the more likely you are to make your goals happen in real life.

Feel into your goals

Vision boards tap into the emotional aspect of goal setting. By choosing images and words that evoke strong positive emotions, you create a deeper and more personal connection to your goals. This emotional investment can drive you to work towards your vision. Vision boards also align with the Law of Attraction, a belief that positive or negative emotions and thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into our lives. Vision boards are a tool that helps you focus on positive thoughts and emotions, and thus allows you to attract positive outcomes with ease.

Keep focused on your goals

Vision boards act like a guide, keeping us focused on our goals and empowering us to make choices aligned with our desires. By turning our goals into a visual map, vision boards help us understand what we truly want and motivate us to actively pursue and achieve our dreams. As we interact with our vision boards, the positive energetic frequency from our goals empower us, propelling us toward a future filled with purpose and joy.


Vision boards also serve as visual reminders of your intentions and act as constant reminders of your priorities, guiding your decisions in alignment with your goals, even in challenging times. When faced with choices, your vision board nudges you toward actions that align with your vision, offering a clear path to what truly matters. Regular review and updates strengthen your commitment, boosting motivation to take consistent action forward.

Ready to gain clarity over what you desire to call into your life in 2024 and create a vision board that helps you manifest it into reality? Join one of my three upcoming Vision Board Workshops!

  • In-Person: December 20th at 6 pm EST @ Kava Sol (Calling all Cleveland babes, this one's for you!)

  • Online: New Year's Day at 2 pm EST (Kickstart 2024 with intention! Early Bird Pricing – Only $20!)

  • Online: January 14th at 12 pm EST (Keep the momentum going! Early Bird Pricing – Only $20!)

In these workshops, we'll dive into the art of goal manifesting, clarify your 2024 vision (the first step in manifestation), create a vision board that reflects your goals, and set the stage for your next-level life in 2024.

If you can't make it to one of these events live, don't worry! Sign up for one of the online workshops, and you'll receive the recording which you can stream after the event ends.


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